Training for Law Enforcement and Consulting Activities
A variety of courses are available for Canadian police officers, such as:
Dr. MacDonald is qualified to assist law enforcement with complex Criminal Investigations by:
- Investigative Interviewing for Witnesses, Victims, and Suspects (2 weeks)
- Advanced Cognitive Interviewing for Significant Witnesses and Victims (1 week)
- Basics of Investigative Interviewing for Frontline Police Officers (2 days)
- Investigative Interviewing of Children (1 week)
Dr. MacDonald is qualified to assist law enforcement with complex Criminal Investigations by:
- Planning and preparing for investigative interviews with witnesses, victims, and suspects
- Identifying concerns that should be addressed prior to interviewing witnesses, victims and suspects
- Making recommendations concerning strategies and tools to be used in an interview with a witness, victim or suspect
- Providing comprehensive and constructive feedback to investigators regarding the quality of their interviews to see future improvement
- When needed, Dr. MacDonald will interview a witness or victim who requires special administration of highly complex memory enhancing tools
Please contact Dr. MacDonald to discuss details of these courses, learn more about the content, prerequisites, and the scaffolding approach she uses to develop capacity in individual investigators but ultimately effective investigative interviewing teams and units.